Hope you are all having a marvelous weekend enjoying some brilliant sunshine (finally!)
If we had received any more rain and we'd have to start building an ark!
But I hope that rain gave you some time to finish this month's book selection, "Too Late for Angels." Just a reminder that we'll be meeting with the book's author Mignon Ballard this Thursday evening at 7PM at Joseph-Beth at SouthPark Mall. We'll talk about her books, the life of a writer and glean some inspiration about becoming a published author.
We also have a huge surprise for Anita Shreve fans, some lovely desert and goodies. I can assure you a fun time will be had for all who come!
If you haven't already, please RSVP online at: http://www.thecharlotteweekly.com to let us know you'll be there.
I also hope you have had some time to check out our first ever supplemental pick, "The Lady and the Panda." I want to thank CW Bookclub regular, Octavia Eisen, for this fabulous read. Every now and again, a book will come into your hands and just be a great gift and delight. Reading about Ruth Harknessess' amazing adventure and her plucky spirit and determination has truly been a gift. Thanks Octavia! We'll be meeting the first week in November to talk about this book. I truly hope you all can make it.